Issue 1, Page 3

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Inert matters;
lost souls sparking heat waves,
and it doesn’t really matter.

The twist of your tongue
as you say grace;
as we sit down to eat,
mouths full of poems
and we haven’t got the
time to digest any of it.

What matters more
than words; transposed on paper
or in text on LCD,
is the slight shift
of our constitutional surrender;
capitalizing on the fact that we
don’t play fair.

I don’t play fair.

Inert matters;
lost souls sparking heat waves,
and it doesn’t really matter.

The twist of your tongue
as you say grace;
as we sit down to eat,
mouths full of poems
and we haven’t got the
time to digest any of it.

What matters more
than words; transposed on paper
or in text on LCD,
is the slight shift
of our constitutional surrender;
capitalizing on the fact that we
don’t play fair.

I don’t play fair.

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